Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blogging, a journey

There’s nothing quite like trying to figure out where you’re going with your life to make you stop and think about who you are. I currently find myself on the cusp of quitting my first real adult job to go back to graduate school. This is a scary prospect indeed, and along the way myself and others have forced me to evaluate the whole of myself. (Others would be most people telling me I should go to medschool and that damn torture device, the personal statement.) As I began writing, I realized that most of the things I know about myself were not going to work in my personal statement; they would, however, work in a blog. HUZZAH!

If you’ve had the unfathomable fortune of getting to know me before arriving at this blog, you know that I like to talk, a lot. I have a lot of random thoughts, most of which get blurted out before the tact part of my brain (who will never win the award for employee of the month) gets to it. Unfortunately, blurty limbo is where these thoughts hang, amusing and shocking those who happen to be in its path of distruction. It has been said that this is a disservice to mankind. So, I blog. To assemble my weird musings on things here and there and provide you all with yet another distraction from your boring, non-awkward life.

Frome the title, I assume you have deduced that as a person, I am generally of the awkward extraction. As a kid, I tried to fight this: at first epicly unsuccessful, later only moderately unsuccessful. Its when I gave up on it that I started enjoying the juicy awkwardness of life (Shout out to my young cousin Noor, who at the fresh young age of 8 had discovered what took me more than twice as long to: “I like awkward”). Some very amazing people I have met over the course of my life have inspired me by marching to their own inner drummers, and have encouraged me to do the same. The philosophy I’ve developed through this process is to just do me --- keep the people who appreciate it close, they are rare weirdos who must be protected by the WWF (World Wildlife Foundation, not World Wrestling Federation. Watch something educational on tv, you bum). All those who don’t appreciate my bizarre little dance through life should promptly be kicked. Over a steep ledge. THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. (FYI, tangents: get used to them.) I revel in my “off”-ness and invite you to join!

Before you say anything, I am aware of how incredibly narcissistic this endeavor is. An entire blog about me, things that make me tick, how I find myself incredibly quirky and hilarious, me me me. But before judging me, we must note that many, many people around me have supported this delusion and so it is not entirely my fault, and that you are sitting here reading, so you are one of those people. So moving on, I say, “Welcome, darling enabler! Prepare your eyeballs for the consumption of my wit, and your schedules for this enormous waste of time.” ENJOY!

PS: If the only person who ends up reading this is my husband Asad, can we please order some dinner, I'm hungry.

PPS: The date and time of this post are irrelevant. I'm always hungry.


  1. i want to be narcissistic too! blogs rule! maybe i will finally start one now. <3 you!

  2. I love that you're doing this. I can totally relate. I cannot wait to read more of your lovely musings.

    Anji Panji :)
